– Live PA –
(Unspoken Principles)
John Clees

Coming Next
Finally getting around to a 5–6-year, long-awaited update, adding an SSL Cert – (new internet URL [padlock], icon standard), WordPress, and direct players.
At this moment, there is a similar 20-year Jupiter cycle, which we were back on 9-11-01.
Having a bit of fun, finally letting go, getting some older stuff remastered; clearing the pallet, trying to get loose, and recreating a better ecosystem. Putting things on my own site regarding other topics, mixes, and other thoughts/conversations.
* Current work in process

Direct Link
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John Clees – Live PA – (Telepathic Energy) – [2009] – L O G @ ARMA17 : [Moscow]
Click on the [3 Dots] to [Download]
192 kps / 59 mins / 81 Mb
Perhaps once in countless lifetimes, one may get the chance to have an unexplainable spiritual connection with another being.
Feeling possible to have the ability to reach one another telepathically; potentially with the rotation and recycling of two souls that happened to collide once again after 100’s of years of having open communication without speaking.
Sharing thoughts yet having no conversation, it’s almost impossible to view connections to others in the same light afterward; as your view has changed forever.
ARMA17 is situated at a former giant industrial gas holding facility in the center of Moscow was a perfect way to feel artistic energy, feed on countless emotions, and express something extremely personal.
A very special thanks to Andrei Donine, the editor of mixtura.org magazine, and co-founder of Moscow’s Save Festival.
It was a true honor to perform and I wanted to share this very special evening with the world!
Please: feel free to pass this forward.
The intro : d e t r o i t !!!
Truly yours,